We are grateful for our longterm and new donors, whose generous donations during this challenging time assure the continuing work of the Blue Hill Concert Association, offering remote master classes this winter and live performances this spring for Blue Hill Peninsula students as we await the day when we may resume our winter chamber concerts. You may see the listing of current BHCA donors here.
For the well-being of audience members and musicians alike, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our 2021 season. But we are excited to report that all the groups planned for this winter are being rescheduled for 2022. In the meantime, for 2021, we are working with musicians to develop a special series of remote programs for music teachers in local schools.
2020 Season Retrospective: “Aizuri Quartet”

The third concert of our 2020 season also proved to be our last. The final concert scheduled for March 22 which was to feature the Rolston String Quartet had to be cancelled due to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Thankfully, on the afternoon of February 23, we were able to enjoy the exquisite performance of the Aizuri Quartet, composed of four talented and most personable young string players. Their carefully designed program was titled “Songs and Echoes of Home” featuring music that evokes a strong sense of place for the sake of those now estranged by distance or time from those places.
You may relive that memorable program by viewing a “mini” version of the concert including contextual commentary by members of the quartet which the quartet has posted on their website and we have embedded for your listening pleasure below.