
Claremont Trio and Yu & I Concerts: January, February, 2023

The first two 2023 concerts have been quite extraordinary. Technical virtuosity combined with emotional power. Sitting in the acoustically excellent Congo church listening to world-class chamber concert performers can be transformative (and a way to endure our cold dark winters) .I previously attended all four 2022 concerts and can only say that the calibre of the performances is as high as ever and Blue Hill is very fortunate to be blessed with Blue Hill Concert Association. (Veronica Young)

Trio con Brio Copenhagen Concert: March 6, 2022

I attended a performance by Trio Con Brio. Absolutely amazing! I just moved here in November and can not believe I was able to see a world class performance in such an intimate setting. They moved me to tears with one piece. Thank you Blue Hill Concert Association for all you do to bring amazing music to our community. (Eva Toomey)

Axiom Brass Master Class: January 28, 2021

Hello! This is Nora – I am the sophomore trombonist that participated in your two virtual Axiom Brass Master Class and workshop a few weeks ago. I learned so much about my own playing and methods to improve my overall musicianship – including playing, practicing, and even down to my attitude! I greatly enjoyed them and really appreciate that they were free! Thank you so much for providing me and others with this fantastic opportunity!

Nora Spratt

Akropolis Reed Quintet Concert: February 9, 2020

The musicians and their clear love of their music was a wonderful privilege to observe. The bright and original music broadened my personal knowledge of new compositions and collaborations. Refreshing and energetic – I was uplifted by their skill and dedication. Their commitment to education and outreach is commendable. We need to continue to support these exceptional young musicians and new music. Thank you for introducing the Peninsula to this Quintet. (Deer Isle, member of the Bagaduce Chorale)

The concert was such a treat, so professional, joyful, and thank you to the Concert Association for providing this in Blue Hill, Maine. (from Facebook)

I left there to catch the Blue Hill Concert Association’s offering at the Congregational Church, and I was in for a great surprise. Before this show the concept of a reed quintet had never even crossed my mind, and me being me, having done absolutely no ‘homework’ before the show, I had no clue I was about to witness something truly special. I like Bach, Beethoven and Brahms as much as the next person, but this program featured music composed by actual living people all of whom I had never heard of, and best of all, it wasn’t even annoying! Not one bit. Quite the opposite in fact, the program, the instrumentation and the exceptional players, all contained in the gorgeous historic architecture of the church made for such a great surprise. The walk home had me buzzing with inspiration … (Blue Hill)

Hermitage Piano Trio Concert: January 19, 2020

Thank you for the opportunity to attend the Blue Hill Concert Association January 19, Hermitage Piano Trio, performance by providing the tickets to the Stonington Library. I have no education or background with classical music. The program notes by Arnold Berleant were very interesting and educational. In fact, I re-read them several times even this morning so as to absorb a bit of the history and context for chamber music and the composers. I imagine that one of the goals of BHCA is to educate the public. I am a grateful recipient of that goal. (Stonington)