The Fauré Quartett, comprised of members Dirk Mommertz (piano), Erika Geldsetzer (violin), Sascha Frömbling (viola) and Konstantin Heidrich (cello), are recognized as one of the finest piano quartets in the world today. The German ensemble, formed in 1995, has recorded Mozart, Brahms, Mussorgsky, Mahler, Peter Gabriel, and Steely Dan. Det Kgl. Biblithek says of the quartet: “Since 1995, the Fauré Quartet has developed and paved the way for new repertoire for the piano quartet’s constellation of instruments. Their versions of the piano quartet classics from Amadeus Mozart to Gabriel Fauré are breathtaking and captivating, and so is their transformation of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition from orchestra to four musicians.”
The Fauré Quartett will perform at the Blue Hill Congregational Church on March 23, 2025, at 3:00 pm. Listen to the Fauré Quartett by clicking on the video links below: (1) Gustav Mahler’s Quartettsatz, and (2) an excerpt, “Old Castle,” from Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.